Welcome to the new site for JBrooksPR. I started this company, officially, one year ago. I rushed it into existence because I had an amazing opportunity in Morrocco. I needed to put structure underneath JBrooksPR for the project. I’ve dreamed of owning my own Design and Public Relations Firm for a long time, so I took the plunge. The big opportunity turned out to not be so big but it was still the catalyst that got me to start on my JBrooksPR adventure.

So what do you do with a business that you built sooner than you expected? You go out and get some clients. I also work as a Public Relations professional, in the government sector, so I am free to take risks and to try things I wouldn’t be able to if JBrooksPR didn’t start the way it did. I’ve had some pretty interesting adventures in building this business informally. I worked with a few podcasts, some performers, I’ve entered filmmaking contests, I’ve done promotions for local entertainment scene and some other really fun and outrageous stuff. Turns out I love working with innovators, rebels, and those who think outside the box.

What I realized from this experience is that more than half the fun is in the creative risk-taking. I am a planner and strategist by nature. Look at my profile on Linkedin if you want the details. Jumping in with both feet, even for an opportunity that didn’t pan out, was an amazing growth experience and allows me to take more chances.
Now is the time to formalize JBrooksPR further. I love to take innovative risks and build my creative muscles. I’m adding structure now to turn my 15+ years of experience, years of education, and blood sweat and tears into making JBrooksPR a brand rather than a side project. Welcome to the beginning of the formal JBrooksPR. I look forward to building great things together.